New owner Alison sent us this update on Monty
Monty……AKA Red rocket…Monty Zoomer and squirmy wormer (due to the way he rubs his head all over me in the mornings!) Monty came to us Mid-May this year, joining Nemo, our 13-year-old yellow lab, and Goose our 18 month old yellow who had also come from LRSE&C a couple of months earlier.
He instantly established
himself as “The Boss” with the other 2 and settled in straight away. He is such a clever boy, and we adore him. Not a typical lab, it must be said!
I think he is the fastest dog I’ve ever had, and I have had border collies! He would make a great Flyball dog, I think.
He loves running around the farm and has no end of deer/ rabbits and other wildlife to chase, but fast as he is, he has not caught anything yet, apart from catching a large carp in our farm pond which was impressive, until I had to extract its slippery flapping body from his jaws!
He always says thank you for his breakfast and tea by putting his paws on my shoulders and kissing my chin. He is obsessed with his ball, and we must limit how much we play with it so as not too over do it.
Monty does not seem to have suffered any long-term effects from the tetanus but he, understandably, is nervous of the vets. I also have to pick a bright coloured ball for him to play with as he doesn’t seem to see paler colours well. Not sure if this may be related to the tetanus.
Monty is very much part of our family and is much loved by us all.
He in turn, loves us all back, but secretly he is definitely my dog, always following me everywhere……but ssssh! Don’t tell the others!
Alison & Monty Zoomer