Hello my name is Poppy Wright born I believe 28th July 2010, and I had a really tough start in life before I found my forever home in Wolverhampton. This is my story so far: I was forced to leave my mommy, brothers and sisters at 5.5 weeks not really ideal as I had not
been advised of the ways of a doggy world, I guess my first home realised this as they tried to take me back to Mommy although the breeder was having none of it of course as she only breed Mommy for the money. I was placed in a foster home until a new home was found. The funny thing was I was offered to my forever home who had lost their beloved Golden Labrador Holly of Huyton on 25th May 2010. I know now listening to conversations my new family have had they could not go through the heart break of losing a special member of the family but Julie could not live without a dog and Cynthia missed the company in the day but they wanted a 2 year old Golden Labrador Bitch so I didn’t fit their criteria . I was duly placed in a new loving home but the gentleman of the house came up in big lumps and was told he was allergic to me and I thought I had found my permanent home at last but this was not to be. But again the funny thing was Julie was so desperate for a Labrador rescue dog she rang the Midland Rescue Co-ordinator Caroline Astbury and asked her to come and assess their home for suitability as soon as possible, she was advised that the puppy mentioned previously, was again in foster care, her care and had to be re-homed as soon as possible. Now let me see that would be, my fifth home and I was only 8 weeks old, I believe this pulled on both Julie and Cynthia’s heart strings and Julie told Caroline to hold fire on re-homing me, she would see what the rest of the household thought as she felt sorry about my awful start in life. I met them the following day and clasped my paws round Cynthia’s hands as she had a caring face and voice and I could tell she liked me as she had tears in her eyes I knew then I had found my forever home, Julie my mistress is my best friend and guide through life. I have to admit I was a naughty puppy, I loved to chew phones and remote controls which is okay as Cynthia didn’t know how to use them anyway. I attended Puppy training classes which were real fun, but the other puppies were boring and paid attention rather than play up like I did, the class was too easy for me and really didn’t tax me enough I loved to embarrass Julie by practising my toilet habits in doors during classes well let’s face it December was too cold to go outside. My forever home backs onto rambling fields and countryside, I am glad I went through 5 different front doors now, I love walky time. Julie and I go miles together and I love our time together I know she is at work all week but she makes sure I get to see the countryside, I chase ducks, pigeons, pheasants, rabbits but never catch them though, I look up at the buzzard when I scare them out of the trees but I always miss the kingfisher, I splash in the stream in the field although I did have a shock when I fell in the canal, teach me to be nosey. I do have a problem controlling my excitement with people coming to visit my forever home; I only want to be friends. Well I have been in my forever home now for 18 months and love it. I thank Labrador Rescue for finding me my forever ever home!