This is the lovely Lily who is just 3 years old. Lily came to us with numerous allergies which caused her such irritation she scratched herself so badly she lost her fur. Her ears were a constant source of pain and irritation and she was generally a very unhappy girl.
Her previous owner had started Lily on a course of immunotherapy vaccines having had her tested to see what she was allergic to. The list was endless, and impossible to avoid everything in everyday life. Lily went into one of our foster homes where Debi and Jonathan embarked on a lengthy programme of treatment and numerous vet visits to try and get her condition under control. It soon became clear to Debi and Jonathan that Lily had found her way into their hearts, and they asked us if they could adopt her. We were delighted, as we had no doubts at all that this was the best possible home for Lily. LRSE&C are still responsible for Lily’s treatment which is very costly. She has to have regular immunotherapy vaccinations, shampoos, anti-biotics, ear medication, ear washes, occasional steroid treatment and regular check ups with the vet. The improvement in Lily’s condition in three months is amazing-she now has hair back on her ears and tummy and is generally much less itchy. We are so pleased for this lovely lab, not only is she much more comfortable but she has also found her ‘forever home’ with Debi and Jonathan.