My name is Duke and I am a three year and nine month old Champagne coloured Labrador. I have lived with Sue and Don for the last two years – they were my third home in eighteen months!
We go for long walks on the public footpaths in Bedfordshire. I like it here and have
lots of friends to play with.
I have a pet passport and we go to France on holiday to Castelnaudry in the south near Toulouse. There are lovely walks along the canal du midi and the surrounding countryside.
We also go to Brittany to our friends Mary-Elyn and Julian where I am spoiled by Mary-Elyn – Don calls her the dinner lady.
We go to Scotland to visit the grand children Ellis, Ramsay and Lawrie. I have great fun playing with them on the beaches at Musselbergh with Ellis, and Fife with Ramsay and Lawrie.