5 months
yes, primary and above
Tyger is a 5 months old black labrador puppy. He is in need of a very special home.
He is a normal happy and friendly puppy who gets excited to see people but calms down and is happy chewing a toy. He is loving and is used to living with an 11 year old girl.
Tyger has a condition called Megaesophagus. This is a disorder in which the esophagus gets larger in size and consequently loses its ability to transport food. The esophagus is the tube in the body that carries liquid and food from the mouth to the stomach. When this disorder occurs, the food accumulates in the animal’s esophagus. It is managed by using a bailey chair for feeding and small regular meals. The bailey chair holds the dog upright so the food moves with gravity.
Since using the bailey chair Tyger has managed to eat meals without regurgitating food.
We understand in Tyger’s case the condition is not as severe as some and the prognosis is a good one. This condition may improve with time and will be managed using the bailey chair.
He will grow into a very normal labrador dog apart from this condition.
The home we are looking for will need to understand what Tyger needs and have the time and patience to manage this condition long term.
This will mean that the home is experienced with labradors and are able to be home for the majority of the time.
We are happy to discuss Tyger’s condition if you feel you might be the home for Tyger.
We will give preference to homes in Kent. Veterinary bills for this condition will be met by Labrador Rescue South East and Central.