CRUFTS by Jennifer Edington

Sunday March 13th started off a bit of a wet one, but by the time we had been whisked up the M40 to the NEC (thanks Ian, who refused petrol money, so we put it in the LRSEC Fund), the sun was shining and we entered the Crufts halls along with multiple breeds and their owners for Gun Dog day.
Carmel had coordinated the day, so Ian plus Byron ChoP, Jackie plus Woody and Jenny set up the stand to promote the charity and highlight what a super breed the Labrador Retriever is.
Vanessa and cuddly Benson joined us, as did Sam, and Mr. Steve, with the lovely Gizzy in his chariot, and Carmel and waggy Bella. We had a great day chatting to people who clearly love labradors as much as us. There was lots of interest in why on earth labradors would need rehoming. Of course there can be many reasons: family dynamics changing, other new arrivals, people’swork circumstances changing as well as people not realising what they have taken on when they choose their snuggly pup. It is very rarely the dog’s fault that they seek a forever home.
All the dogs received lots of fuss and cuddles from new friends. Many had tales to tell of their own beloved pets.
We celebrated Mr. Byron ChoP’s tenth birthday with Sardine and Tuna cake, made by Jackie, shared amongst the four pawed party goers. Our Chairman, Richard Best turned up in time for the human cake, taking a breather from his role as duty vet.
We heard from a gentleman who was delighted to have rehomed a dog early in lockdown summer of 2020. He told us that the dog was now happily settled and many of his previous ailments are now resolved. His profession as a vet may have had some bearing on this. He said he is eternally grateful to have welcomed him into their home.
We took turns to fetch refreshments and fit in a bit of shopping before heading home with some very tired Labradors.