Well, week 12 of lockdown and George is trying to make sense of the world. He’s loving country life and loving the undivided attention of his owners. Our quiet, anxious rescue dog has blossomed into a very confident boy.

COVID-19 has had some very positive benefits. Lots of healthy socially distanced walks and so much time with his new family!
This is George determined not to miss out on a trip to Ikea! Or is our driving really that bad? Really, George, you’d love a trip to the beach far more. George has now become a real country boy. Living in an area frequented by pheasants, he can sniff one out 100 yards away. Fun for him and entertaining for us to watch but he’s never harmed one; it’s not in his nature.
His new best friends are Boris (Whippet) and Willow (Sheepdog).
Both are rescue dogs and live with our neighbours. Chasing pheasants and running with his mates every day mean evenings are very quiet as he chills out after a busy day We cannot thank Labrador Rescue SE & C enough; 2 years in and we wake up every day to a very waggy tail and a very excited boy – we are the lucky ones.
Steve and Jill